Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Ajay Madan is Rotary District Governor


Ajay Madan of Kurukshetra is Rotary District Governor 

Rtn Ajay Madan of Kurukshetra is the new District Governor of Rotary International District 3080, which includes Chandigarh, and parts of  Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and UP. 
With 85 clubs and over 3500 Rotarians, the District 3080 has a long tradition of serving humanity with major projects like free heart surgeries, blood donation, medical missions to African countries, among others. 
This year, the District intends to bring 2000 new Rotarians to its folds as well as extend its youth wing Rotaractor. 
DG Ajay Madan plans to plant 15 lakh trees by 15th August in the entire District, collect over 1 lakh units of blood, promote literacy and provide 10,000 benches in schools which do not have the facility. 
A free vaccination drive to protect the girls reaching puberty against cervical cancer is also being launched in the Rotary District. 
Pledging organs, Covid vaccination campaign, and medical facilities in remote villages of Uttrakhand have already been launched. 
Today, the District 3080 tied up with HARTRON and launched a free computer education for the children who lost their parents to Covid19. 

Rtn Ajay Madan 
District Governor 2021-22
Rotary District 3080
M: 97287 00233

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